Big Shot

Launchpool Project
BTC Proxy
Institutional Grade Bitcoin Bridge. Unlocking Bitcoin for DeFi on Matic L2 with low costs, high speeds and PRXY token governance.

Raise Network:

Ethereum Mainnet
Distribution Network:

Polygon Mainnet
Target Raise:

60 ETH priced at $3500
Only 1% of Bitcoin is on DeFi, we need better Bitcoin Bridges to get the other 99% across. BTCpx solves the problems with WBTC and RenBTC with the ProxyRelay solution. BTC Proxy has a user interface, insured custodian, Matic L2 gas efficiency and is governed by the PRXY token.
Institutions demand an insured custodian (which RenBTC lacks) and BTC Proxy uses HEX_Trust. Institutions also need a slick user interface (which WBTC lacks) without the slippage and counterparty risks of CEXes.
Confirmation of Bitcoin blocks onto an Ethereum smart contract using a Matic side chain means low minting and redemption fees with fast confirmations in under 30 mins.
Transactions are all transparent onchain and verifiable with the BTC Proxy team never touching any funds. No KYC is needed. Uniswap will have LP pools with WBTC:BTCpx and RenBTC:BTCpx initially where users can Stake Bitcoin and earn PRXY token rewards.
Use of Token: The PRXY token will be utilized for:
- Voting for future development of protocol
- Staking for Bitcoin Farming from the Minting Fees of 0.1% and Redemption Fees of 0.3% at https://btcpx.io
- Liquidity Mining incentive for BTCpx pools
- Institutional Bitcoin Bridge minting and redeeming BTCpx on MATIC L2 to unlock Bitcoin on DeFi
- Institutionally qualified custody to insure Bitcoin Deposits
- No Slippage or ill effects from low volume
- No Counterparty Risk
- Low Gas Fees - see the benchmark test