A two-sided blockchain-backed intelligent NFT marketplace.
Project coming soon
What is allocation mining?
Allocation mining is the action of staking $LPOOL to receive a part of the allocation offered by projects on the Launchpool platform.
What is AMR - Allocation Mining Reward
This is a measure akin to APY. It is designed to help participants understand the rate which they are mining allocation over the Allocation Mining Event.
What is an AME - Allocation Mining Event
An Allocation Mining Event (AME) is a staking pool in which you lock up your $LPOOL until the end of the AME (normally 4 or 5 days in length). Staking your $LPOOL in the AME gives you the option to purchase the allocation you mined - using ETH to make the investment - at the end of the AME countdown. After the AME your $LPOOL is returned, regardless of whether or not you take the allocation mined.
Learn more about Launchpool